- M. Medina-Bárcenas, H. Rincón Mejía, "\(\mathfrak{m}\)-Endoregular lattices", Communications in Algebra. Published online. Article ArXiv
- M. Medina-Bárcenas, H. Rincón Mejía, "\(\mathfrak{m}\)-Baer and \(\mathfrak{m}\)-Rickart lattices", Order. Published online. Article ArXiv
- A. Alvarado-García, C. Cejudo-Castilla, M. Medina-Bárcenas, F. Vilchis-Montalvo, "Operators between classes of modules given by preradicals", Applied Categorical Structures, 31(1), 2023. Article
- J.A. Beachy, M. Medina-Bárcenas, "The nilpotency of the prime radical of a Goldie module", Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, 60(1), 2023, 185--201 Article ArXiv
- J. Castro Pérez, M. Medina-Bárcenas, "Johns modules and quasi-Johns modules", Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 52(4), 2022, 1029--1046 DOI: 10.15672/hujms.902650, 18 pages. Article
- G. Lee, M. Medina-Bárcenas, "Finite \(\Sigma\)-Rickart modules", Communications in Algebra, 50(9) , 2022, 4074--4094 DOI:10180/00927872.2022.2057518, 21 pages. ArXiv Article
- M. Medina-Bárcenas, M.L.S. Sandoval-Miranda, A. Zaldívar-Corichi, "On the de Morgan's laws for modules". Applied Categorical Structures, 30, 2022, 265--286. ArXiv Article
- M. Medina-Bárcenas, D.K. Tütüncü, Y. Kuratomi, "A study on dual square free modules", Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 32(2), 2021, 267--279. Article
- J.A. Beachy, M. Medina-Bárcenas, "Fully prime modules and fully semiprime modules". Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, 57(5), 2020, 1177--1193. Article
- M. Medina-Bárcenas, L. Morales-Callejas, M.L.S. Sandoval-Miranda, A. Zaldívar-Corichi, "On Strongly harmonic and Gelfand modules". Communications in Algebra, 48(5), 2020, 1985--2013. ArXiv Article.
- G. Lee, M. Medina-Bárcenas, "\(\Sigma\)-Rickart modules". Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 19(11), 2020, 23pp. Article.
- M. Medina Bárcenas, H. Sim, "Abelian endoregular modules". Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 19(11), 2020, ArXiv Article.
- J. Castro Pérez, M. Medina Bárcenas, J, Ríos Montes, A. Zaldívar Corichi, "Boolean perspectives of idioms and the Boyle derivative", Applied Categorical Structures, 27,(1) 2019, 65--84. ArXiv Article
- J. Castro Pérez, M. Medina Bárcenas, J, Ríos Montes, A. Zaldívar Corichi, "Boyle's Conjecture and Perfect Localizations", Communications in Algebra, 46(12), 2018, 5234--5240. ArXiv Article
- M. Medina Bárcenas, Ç. Özcan, "Primitive Submodules, Co-semisimple and Regular Modules", Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 22(3), 2018, 545--565. Article
- J. Castro Pérez, M. Medina Bárcenas, J, Ríos Montes, A. Zaldívar Corichi, "On the structure of Goldie modules", Communications in Algebra, 46(7), 2018, 3112--3126. ArXiv Article
- M. Medina-Bárcenas, L. Morales-Callejas, M.L.S. Sandoval-Miranda, A. Zaldívar-Corichi, "Attaching topological spaces to a module I: Sobriety and Spatiality", Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 222(5), 2018, 1026--1048. ArXiv Article
- M. Medina Bárcenas, J, Ríos Montes, A. Zaldívar Corichi, "Some operators and dimensions in modular meet-continuous lattices", Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 17(5), 2018 ArXiv Article
- J. Castro Pérez, M. Medina Bárcenas, J, Ríos Montes, "Modules with ascending chain condition on annihilators and Goldie modules", Communications in Algebra, 45(6), 2016, 2334--2349. ArXiv Article
- M. Medina-Bárcenas, A. Zaldívar-Corichi, M.L.S. Sandoval-Miranda, "A generalization of quantales with applications to modules and rings", Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 220(5), 2016, 1837--1857.ArXiv Article
- J. Castro Pérez, M. Medina Bárcenas, J, Ríos Montes, A. Zaldívar Corichi, "On semiprime Goldie modules", Communications in Algebra, 44(11), 2016, 4749--4768. ArXiv Article
Submitted papers and Preprints
- "A point-free version of torsionfree classes and the Goldie torsion theory", with M.LS. Sandoval Miranda and A. Zaldívar Corichi. ArXiv Submitted
- "Reduced rank in \(\sigma[M]\)", with J.A. Beachy. ArXiv In preparation.
- "Morita invariance of universal localization", with J.A. Beachy. In preparation.
- "On quasi-duo modules", with Ç. Özcan. In preparation.